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Legal, Financial and Funding Documents

The Mowbray Education Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales.

Registered Address: Mowbray Education Trust, Pera Business Park, Nottingham Road, Melton Mowbray, LE13 0PB

Telephone: 01664 565901

Email: [email protected]

Company Number: 07796947

Request for Paper Copies: If you require a paper copy, including large print or assistance with accessing any of the information on this website, please email [email protected].

Further information on specific school policies is available on each of our schools' websites.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting

Financial Information

We recognise our obligation to act transparently and to use public funds with probity and responsibility. The Trust has implemented Financial Assurance Standards, delivering a road map for continued financial improvement, and a recent Internal Audit report notes that “Governance is very good indeed”.

We comply with the DfE Academy Trust Handbook, the latest iteration of which can be downloaded here.

Funding Agreements

Each Multi-Academy Trust has one Master Funding Agreement (MFA) with the Secretary of State for Education and then a Supplementary Funding Agreement (SFA) for each academy it operates.

Funding Agreements are agreed with the Government at the point of conversion, and it is, therefore, possible that individual SFAs will differ between academies.

Each of our Funding Agreements is available below:

Master Funding Agreement - Mowbray Education Trust Limited (Final)

Schedule I - Ab Kettleby SFA New (Final)

Schedule J - Brownlow SFA New (Final)

Schedule K - The Grove SFA New (Final)

Schedule L - JFC SFA New (Final)

Schedule M - Sherard SFA New (Final)

Schedule N - Somerby SFA New (Final)

Iveshead School Leicestershire SFA